Source code for ppodd.pod.p_turb

#from ppodd.pod import *
from ppodd.core import *
[docs]class turb(fort_cal): """ FORTRAN routine C_TURB :ROUTINE: C_TURB :PURPOSE: To calibrate and apply designated correction factors to angle of attack (AOA), angle of sideslip (AOSS) and the centre-static differential pressure (to derive TAS)). :DESCRIPTION: Calibration of AOA and AOSS is assumed to be of the form:: PA/q = a0(M) + a1(M)*alpha PB/q = b0(M) + b1(M)*beta where q is the pitot(dynamic) pressure. Calculations follow the scheme described in BAES doc ADE-46S-R-463-34 1233 (Page 78 of 116). Initial value of pitot pressure is taken from RVSM and used to calculate first guess AOA and AOSS. These are to derive corrections to the centre-port along with separate calculation of static position error in the centre-port measurement. AOA and AOSS are recalculated with iteration continuing until specified tolerance is achieved or max.iteration count exceeded. Corrected centre-port pressure is then used to calculate TAS (currently only the dry value) using:: TAS = Corrtn.fac * 340.294*M*SQRT(T/288.15) :VERSION: 1.01 Phil Brown 24/5/2004 :CHANGES: 1.02 Phil Brown 11/6/2004 Logic changed to reproduce PVWAVE test version MRFB:[BROWN.PVWAVE]TURB.PRO at this date 1.03 Phil Brown 28/6/2004 Check flags and values following return of calls to S_MACH. Unacceptable causes C_TURB to return its default values of output parameters (flag 3) 1.04 Phil Brown 2/7/04 Uses G_MACH routine to calculate Mach no. and avoid complications due to flagging. 1.05 Phil Brown 08/07/04 Uses simpler Mach-dependent PE.Corrtn derived empirically from B001-012 s&l legs. 1.06 Phil Brown 09/07/04 No position error correction currently applied to P0 differential pressure. 1.07 Phil Brown 26/08/04 Change sign of AOSS. Cals were done against INS drift angle (-ve for +ve AOSS). 1.08 Phil Brown 27/8/04 AOSS calcs revert to original, but assumed to use new fit coefficients for B0 and B1 1.09 26/01/06 Phil Brown Min/max limits provided for AoA, AoSS and TAS for flagging purposes. 1.10 20/06/06 Phil Brown Takes additional input of non-deiced temp, used as alternative when de-iced is flagged 2 or more. 1.11 24/10/06 Phil Brown Fix bug setting flag on TTND to zero before use. Define 4 additional flight constants to apply fudge factors to the calculated AoA / AoSS These have the form: AoA_new = AoA * ALPH1 + ALPH0 AoSS_new= AoSS * BET1 + BET0 1.12 08/10/2010 Axel Wellpott added line "DATA TAS/-9999./" Missing TAS data values were set to -999. and not to -9999. as specified in the netcdf files. :SUBROUTINES: S10_PECORR, ITSTFLG, ISETFLG, G_MACH :FILES: :REFERENCES: :CONSTANTS: RCONST(1-3) Coefficients of 2nd order polynomial in Mach to calculate AOA offset, A0 RCONST(4-6) Coefficients of 2nd order polynomial in Mach to calculate AOA sensitivity, A1 RCONST(7-9) Coefficients of 2nd order polynomial in Mach to calculate AOSS offset, B0 RCONST(10-12) Coefficients of 2nd order polynomial in Mach to calculate AOSS sensitivity, B1 RCONST(13) Tolerance for AOA/AOSS iteration RCONST(14) True Airspeed correction factor (fudge factor to remove residual along-heading wind errors). RCONST(15-16) Coefficients of linear correction to calculated AoA RCONST(17-18) Coefficients of linear correction to calculated AoSS :INPUT: | PARAMETERS | 516 IAS 32Hz | 520 TTDI 32Hz | 525 TTND 32Hz | 576 SPR 32Hz | 577 PSP 32Hz | 578 PHGT 32Hz | 773 TBP0 32Hz | 774 TBPA 32Hz | 775 TBPB 32Hz | 776 TBPC 32Hz | 777 TBPD 32Hz :OUTPUT: | PARAMETERS | 548 AOA 32Hz deg | 549 AOSS 32Hz deg | 779 TASD 32Hz ms-1 | 780 TASW 32Hz ms-1 | 781 TPSP 32Hz mb """ def __init__(self,dataset): self.input_names=['AOA_A0', 'AOA_A1', 'AOSS_B0', 'AOSS_B1', 'TOLER', 'TASCOR1', 'ALPH0', 'ALPH1', 'BET0', 'BET1', 'IAS_RVSM', 'TAT_DI_R', 'TAT_ND_R', 'PS_RVSM', 'Q_RVSM', 'PALT_RVS', 'P0_S10', 'PA_TURB', 'PB_TURB', 'TBPC', 'TBPD'] self.outputs=[parameter('AOA',units='degree',frequency=32,number=548,long_name='Angle of attack from the turbulence probe (positive, flow upwards wrt a/c axes)') ,parameter('AOSS',units='degree',frequency=32,number=549,long_name='Angle of sideslip from the turbulence probe (positive, flow from left)') ,parameter('TAS',units='m s-1',frequency=32,number=779,long_name='True airspeed (dry-air) from turbulence probe',standard_name='platform_speed_wrt_air') ,parameter('TASW',units='m s-1',frequency=32,number=780,long_name='TURB PROBE WET TAS') ,parameter('PSP_TURB',units='hPa',frequency=32,number=781,long_name='Pitot-static pressure from centre-port measurements corrrected for AoA and AoSS')]'TURB' self.version=1.00 fort_cal.__init__(self,dataset)