
Data Preparation

Post Processing

The routines can be run a number of different ways depending on need. Simple python scripts can run the processing if access to data within a program is needed. A command line, can run the processing and produce an output, or a gui can be run which enables a certain amount of interactive exploration of the data.

A simple programming example:

import ppodd.core


d would then hold all the processed data. It could be plotted using matplotlib or calculations performed. Each parameter accessed via:

d['parameter name']

there being various attributes. The “.data” attribute actually holding the values and can be viewed in several ways.:

d['JW_LWC_U'][:] is equivalent to d['JW_LWC_U'].data

d['JW_LWC_U'].times is equivalent to d['JW_LWC_U'].data.times

See the explanation of the timed_data array, and parameters.

The same could be run from a command line:

PPODD decades_data/flight-cst_faam_20131001_r0_b111.txt decades_data/ -w full

To wrap around this structure there is also a graphical user interface. This should make the process of calibrating and checking core data relatively painless.

To achieve the same result:

PPODD (to open the GUI – or use the desktop shortcut)

From menu Files, Files then Add File (to add the relevant file ). Click Process, followed by File, Write_nc.