Source code for ppodd.pod.p_rio_sun

#from ppodd.pod import *
from ppodd.core import *
[docs]class rio_sun(fort_cal): """ FORTRAN routine C_GSUN :ROUTINE: C_SUN SUBROUTINE FORTVAX C_SUN.FOR :PURPOSE: PUT SOLAR ZENITH AND AZIMUTH ANGLES IN MFD :DESCRIPTION: Given date, time and location on the earth's surface this routine puts a solar zenith and azimuth angle in the array of derived parameters. It computes a value once every second. The angles are only obtained if all the flags are set to less than 3 and the date, time and location are all within sensible limits. Any flags set on input are also set in the solar angles derived. If the input is in error or the flags are set to 3 a value of -99. is returned for ZEN and AZIM. To test the routine: $ FOR C_SUN $ FOR TEST_C_SUN $ LINK TEST_C_SUN,C_SUN Ensure contents of files RCONST.DAT and TEST_C_SUN.DAT contain simulated data you require to test the routine with. :VERSION: 1.02 1st May 1992 J.A.Smith :ARGUMENTS: | RDER(1,515) R*4 IN Time GMT (seconds from midnight) | RDER(1,550) R*4 IN Omega latitude degrees (north +ve) | RDER(1,551) R*4 IN Omega longitude degrees (east +ve) | or RDER(1,541) R*4 IN INU latitude degrees (north +ve) | or RDER(1,542) R*4 IN INU longitude degrees (east +ve) | RCONST(1) R*4 IN Day in month (1-31) | RCONST(2) R*4 IN Month in year (1-12) | RCONST(3) R*4 IN Year (eg 1984) | RDER(1,642) R*4 OUT Solar azimuth in degrees | RDER(1,643) R*4 OUT Solar zenith in degrees :SUBPROGRAMS: S_SUN , ITSTFLG, ISETFLG :CHANGES: 01 Range checks for input data now done in S_SUN RWS 30/10/90 1.02 Check added if time RSECS has reached midnight and if so to reduce RSECS to less than 86400 s and increase the date. JAS 1/5/92 1.03 Following the demise of the Omega, now uses INU position for flights after 30/09/97. Note that this routine is now always called by CALIBRATE, even if neither Omega or INU were available. WDNJ 20/10/97 1.04 Now strips flags from data before use. WDNJ 22/12/97 1.05 Can take GIN input 05/09/07 1.06 Changes made how lon/lat input is derived AxW 29/03/10 """ def __init__(self,dataset): self.input_names = ['DATE', 'SECS_GIN', 'LAT_GIN', 'LON_GIN'] self.outputs = [parameter('SOL_AZIM', units='degree', frequency=1, number=642, long_name='Solar azimuth derived from aircraft position and time', standard_name='solar_azimuth_angle'), parameter('SOL_ZEN', units='degree', frequency=1, number=643, long_name='Solar zenith derived from aircraft position and time', standard_name='solar_zenith_angle')]'SUN' self.fortname = 'GSUN' self.version = 1.00 fort_cal.__init__(self,dataset)