Source code for ppodd.pod.p_rio_so2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
In normal operation mode many zeros are done for the SO2 TECO instrument. The
zero concentrations are calculated for each zero calibration period and
linearly interpolated over the whole time period. The interpolated zeros are
removed from the raw SO2 concentration values.

  0. Data OK
  1. Not used
  2. Any of the alarm raised
  3. Aircraft either on the ground or instrument is calibrating

  SO2_TECO: SO2 concentration in ppb



from ppodd.core import flagged_data, parameter, cal_base
import numpy as np
import sys
from datetime import datetime

def get_cals(utc_time, cal_status, conc):

    result is a list of calibration details like
        [[(start_time, end_time), average concentration, cal_type],

    :param utc_time: timestamp in unix format
    :param cal_status: calibration status (`1`: calibration mode; `0`: measuring mode)
    :param conc: raw SO2 concentration

    cal_status[0] = 0
    cal_status[-1] = 0
    absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(np.array(cal_status, dtype=np.int8)))
    cal_periods  = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)

    x, y, high_or_low = [], [], []
    for i, cal_p in enumerate(cal_periods):
        # skip zero cal periods that are shorter than 10 seconds
        if (cal_p[1]-cal_p[0]) < 10:

        ix1 = cal_p[0]+5
        ix2 = cal_p[1]-2
        if np.mean(conc[ix1:ix2]) > 10:
            cal_type = 'high'
            cal_type = 'low'
        x.append([utc_time[ix1], utc_time[ix2]])

        # write calibration information to stdout
        timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_time[cal_p[0]]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

        if i == 0:
            sys.stdout.write('\n    TECO SO2 Zero Calibrations\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    '+32*'-'+'\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    | time                |   zero |\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    |'+30*'-'+'|\n')
        if np.isnan(y[-1]):
            zero_string = '   nan'
            zero_string = '%6.3f' % (y[-1],)
        if cal_type == 'low':
            sys.stdout.write('    | %s | %s |\n' % (timestamp, zero_string))

    sys.stdout.write('    '+32*'-'+'\n')

    result = zip(x, y, high_or_low)
    return result

def interpolate_zero_cal_coefficient(utc_time, cal_array):
    The zero offset is interpolated over many zero calibration periods.

    :param utc_time: timestamp in unix format
    :param cal_status: calibration status (`1`: calibration mode; `0`: measuring mode)
    :param conc: raw SO2 concentration

    # interpolate the zero using only calibration periods labelled as 'low'
    _x = [float(c[0][0]+c[0][1])/2. for c in cal_array if c[2] == 'low']
    _y = [c[1] for c in cal_array if c[2] == 'low']
    zero_new = np.interp(utc_time, _x, _y)
    zero_new[zero_new == 0] = np.nan
    return zero_new

[docs]class rio_so2_mixingratio(cal_base): """ Routine to process the SO2 measurements from the SO2-TECO analyser. """ def __init__(self, dataset): self.input_names = ['CHTSOO_conc', 'CHTSOO_flags', 'CHTSOO_V6', 'CHTSOO_V8', 'WOW_IND'] self.outputs = [parameter('SO2_TECO', units='ppb', frequency=1, number=740, long_name='Mole fraction of Sulphur Dioxide in air from TECO 43 instrument', standard_name='mole_fraction_of_sulphur_dioxide_in_air')] self.version = 1.00 cal_base.__init__(self, dataset) def process(self): match = self.dataset.matchtimes(self.input_names) so2_mr_raw = self.dataset['CHTSOO_conc'].data.ismatch(match) sens = self.dataset['CHTSOO_sensitivity'].data.ismatch(match) v6 = self.dataset['CHTSOO_V6'].data.ismatch(match) v8 = self.dataset['CHTSOO_V8'].data.ismatch(match) hexflag = self.dataset['CHTSOO_flags'].data.ismatch(match) wow_ind = self.dataset['WOW_IND'].data.ismatch(match) cal_status = np.zeros(match.size, dtype=np.int8) cal_status[v8 != 0] = 1 cal_status[v6 != 0] = 1 # convert to unix time integer if necessary if np.issubdtype(match.dtype, np.datetime64): utc_time = match.astype('datetime64[s]').astype('int') else: utc_time = match cals = get_cals(utc_time, cal_status, np.array(so2_mr_raw)) # interpolate the zero calibrations zero = interpolate_zero_cal_coefficient(utc_time, cals) # apply scaling factors so2_mr = (so2_mr_raw-zero)/sens cal_status = np.zeros(match.size, dtype=np.int8) # add time buffer to cal_status; the post cal time buffer for a high # cal to be quite extensive, because of tailing low_cal_buffer = (3, 5) high_cal_buffer = (3, 55) for cal in cals: _ix = np.where((utc_time > cal[0][0]) & (utc_time < cal[0][1]))[0] if cal[2] == 'low': _buffer = low_cal_buffer elif cal[2] == 'high': _buffer = high_cal_buffer for i in range(_buffer[0]*-1, _buffer[1]+1): _ix = list(set(list(np.concatenate((np.array(_ix), np.array(_ix)+i))))) _ix = np.clip(_ix, 0, len(cal_status)-1) cal_status[_ix] = 1 # See manual page B-10 # alarm = np.array([1 if f[-3:] != '000' else 0 for f in hexflag]) # initialize empty flag array, with all flags set to zero flag = np.zeros(so2_mr.size, dtype=np.int8) flag[wow_ind != 0] = 3 # flag periods when the aircraft is on the ground flag[alarm != 0] = 2 # flag times when any alarm is raised flag[cal_status != 0] = 3 # flag calibration periods so2 = flagged_data(so2_mr, match, flag) self.outputs[0].data = so2