Source code for ppodd.pod.p_rio_comr

Decades processing routine for processing the data stream from the AERO AL5002

List of available variables from the TCP package:


Carbon Monoxide concentrations are calculated by linearly interpolation of the
zero and sens values inbetween calibrations.

The concentration of the calibration gas might be revised after a campaign and
therefore the CO concentration needs to be scaled. This is taken care off by a
scaling factor which is the fourth number in the CALCOMX flight constant. If
the scaling factor is not available it is assumed to be 1.0.

Data are flagged as "3" if either the AL52CO_cal_status flag is "1" or if the
pressure in the calibration chamber (AL52CO_calpress) exceeds as defined
threshold (3.4).


from ppodd.core import flagged_data, cal_base, parameter

import datetime
import numpy as np
import sys

def create_plot(match, co_orig, co_interp, cal_status, ds):
    """Creates an overview plot, that shows the CO timeseries before and after
    the interpolation of the calibration coefficients.

    On the second y-axis the CO delta is plotted. Calibration periods are
    indicated by black dots.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.dates import date2num, DateFormatter, HourLocator

    dt=datetime.datetime.strptime('%i-%i-%i' % tuple(ds['DATE']), '%d-%m-%Y')

    ts = date2num(match.astype(datetime.datetime))

    title='QA-CO Aerolaser\n'+'%s - %s' % (ds['FLIGHT'].data.lower(), dt.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    perc = np.percentile(co_orig, [2, 98])
    co_orig_clean = co_orig[:]
    co_orig_clean[(co_orig_clean > perc[1]) | \
                  (co_orig_clean < 0) | \
                  (cal_status == 1)] = np.nan
    ax0.plot_date(ts, co_orig_clean, 'b-')
    yl = ax0.get_ylim()
    ax0.plot_date(ts, co_orig, 'b-', label='CO raw')
    co_interp[cal_status == 1] = np.nan
    ax0.plot_date(ts, co_interp, 'g-', label='CO interp')

    ax0.set_xlabel('utc (-)')
    ax0.set_ylabel('CO mixing ratio (ppbV)')

    ax1 = ax0.twinx()
    ax1.plot_date(ts, co_orig-co_interp, '-', color='red', label='CO delta')
    ax1.set_ylim(-10, 10)

    # overplot time periods when instrument is calibrating
    cal_status_ix = np.where(cal_status == 1)[0]
    if len(cal_status_ix > 0):
                      'o', markersize=5, color='black', label='Cal')

    # add padding (3 percent) to the left and right of the plot
    xlim_margin = (ax0.get_xlim()[1]-ax0.get_xlim()[0])*0.03
    ax0.set_xlim((ax0.get_xlim()[0]-xlim_margin, ax0.get_xlim()[1]+xlim_margin))

    ax0.legend(loc='upper left')
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
    # estimate T/O and Landing and plot two vertical lines
    wow_min, wow_max = 0, 0
    counter = np.arange(ds['WOW_IND'][:].size)
    wow_min = np.where((ds['WOW_IND'][:] == 0) & (ds['HGT_RADR'][:,0] > 100))[0]
    if wow_min.size:
        wow_min = wow_min[0]
    wow_max = np.where((ds['WOW_IND'][:] == 1) & (counter > wow_min))[0]
    if wow_max.size:
        wow_max = wow_max[0]

    # overplot T/O and Landing on the figure
    wow_times=ds['WOW_IND'].data.times/86400.+date2num(datetime.datetime.strptime('%i-%i-%i' % tuple(ds['DATE']), '%d-%m-%Y'))
    for i in [wow_min, wow_max]:
        if i:
            ax0.axvline(wow_times[i], lw=4, color='0.7', alpha=0.7)

def interpolate_cal_coefficients(utc_time, sens, zero):
    """The calibration coefficients for the AL5002 instrument drift
    inbetween calibrations. It is assumed that the drifting is linear
    and too take account of this new coefficients are calculated for
    each data point, which are then used to recalculate the CO concentrations.

    # create copies of sens and zero calibration coefficients
    sens_new, zero_new = sens[:], zero[:]
    #fill nan values with previous non-nan value
    for i in range(1, len(sens_new)):
        if np.isnan(sens_new[i]):
        if np.isnan(zero_new[i]):
    # get calibration periods
    ix = np.where(sens[1:]-sens[:-1] != 0)[0]
    #ix=np.where(sens[1:] != sens[:-1])[0]
    # remove nan values
    ix = ix[~np.isnan((sens[1:]-sens[:-1])[ix])]
    # ignore the first 100 data points
    ix = ix[ix>100]
    # the +2 is a dodgy way to make sure that the values have changed.
    # Apparently the zero and sens parameters do not change at
    # exactly the same time in the data stream
    ix = [10]+list(ix+4)+[sens.size-4]
    # loop over all calibration periods
    for i in range(len(ix)-1):
        ix1 = ix[i]
        ix2 = ix[i+1]
        sens_new[ix1:ix2] = np.interp(utc_time[ix1:ix2],
                                      [sens[ix1], sens[ix2]])
                                    [zero[ix1], zero[ix2]])

        # write calibration information to stdout
        timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc_time[ix1]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        if i == 0:
            sys.stdout.write('\n    CO AERO Calibrations\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    '+41*'-'+'\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    | time                |   sens |   zero |\n')
            sys.stdout.write('    |'+39*'-'+'|\n')
        if np.isnan(sens[ix1]):
            sens_string='   nan'
            sens_string='%6.2f' % (sens[ix1],)
        if np.isnan(zero[ix1]):
            zero_string='   nan'
            zero_string='%6i' % (zero[ix1],)
        sys.stdout.write('    | %s | %s | %s |\n' % (timestamp, sens_string, zero_string))

    sys.stdout.write('    '+41*'-'+'\n')
    return (sens_new, zero_new)

[docs]class rio_co_mixingratio(cal_base): """Routine to calculate the Carbon Monoxide concentration from the AL52002 Instrument. The routine works with the data from the TCP packages that are stored on Fish and Septic. Flagging is done using the cal_status flag ( AL52CO_cal_status) and the pressure measurement in the calibration chamber of the instrument (AL52CO_calpress). """ def __init__(self,dataset): self.input_names = ['AL52CO_conc', 'AL52CO_sens', 'AL52CO_zero', 'AL52CO_cellpress', 'AL52CO_calpress', 'AL52CO_cal_status', 'AL52CO_utc_time', 'AL52CO_counts', 'WOW_IND', 'HGT_RADR', 'CALCOMX'] self.outputs = [parameter('CO_AERO', units='ppb', frequency=1, long_name='Mole fraction of Carbon Monoxide in air from the AERO AL5002 instrument', standard_name='mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air')] self.version=1.00 cal_base.__init__(self,dataset) def process(self): match = self.dataset.matchtimes(self.input_names) co_mr = self.dataset['AL52CO_conc'].data.ismatch(match) counts = self.dataset['AL52CO_counts'].data.ismatch(match) co_mr[counts == 0] = np.nan calpress = self.dataset['AL52CO_calpress'].data.ismatch(match) cal_status = self.dataset['AL52CO_cal_status'].data.ismatch(match) # cal_status is a character and needs to be converted to integer to do anything useful with it cal_status = np.int8(cal_status) sens = self.dataset['AL52CO_sens'].data.ismatch(match) sens[sens == 0.0] = np.nan # remove outliers: threshold is 25% difference from the overall median sens[(np.abs(sens-np.nanmedian(sens))) > (0.25*np.nanmedian(sens))] = np.nan zero = self.dataset['AL52CO_zero'].data.ismatch(match) zero[zero == 0.0] = np.nan # remove outliers: threshold is 25% difference from the overall median zero[(np.abs(zero-np.nanmedian(zero))) > (0.25*np.nanmedian(zero))] = np.nan utc_time = self.dataset['AL52CO_utc_time'].data.ismatch(match) wow_ind = self.dataset['WOW_IND'].data.ismatch(match) # # We calculate the raw counts from the CO concentration and the calibration coefficients. # The *AL52CO_counts variable can not be used* because it does not necessarily match the # concentration. The data stream that is sent by the labview script is produced several times # a second while only *one* value in the stream is updated at a time. For example see: # # $ cat AL52CO01_20140126_060103_B828.csv # ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716327,0,0,B828,77.721321,8821.000000, ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716327,0,0,B828,77.721321,8475.000000, ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716328,0,0,B828,77.721321,8475.000000, ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716328,0,0,B828,81.419006,8475.000000, ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716328,0,0,B828,81.419006,8660.000000, ... # $AL52CO01,66,1390716329,0,0,B828,81.419006,8660.000000, ... # ... # # The concentration changes in the fourth line to 81.42 but the counts value is only updated # in the subsequent line. # # The scaling factor is needed to take care of revised CO calibration gas concentrations, which # FAAM learns only about post flight/campaign, when the calibration gas is reanalysed by an authority. if len(self.dataset['CALCOMX'].data) <= 3: scaling_factor = 1.0 sys.stdout.write(' Scaling factor not defined in flight-cst file.\n') else: scaling_factor = self.dataset['CALCOMX'][3] sys.stdout.write(' Scaling factor defined in flight-cst file.\n') sys.stdout.write(' Scaling factor set to %f.\n' % (scaling_factor)) co_mr *= scaling_factor counts = co_mr/(1.0/sens)+zero #try flagging erroneous data points counts[counts == 0] = np.nan ix = np.where(((counts-np.roll(counts, 1)) < -2000) & ((counts-np.roll(counts, -1)) < -2000) & (counts < (np.nanmedian(counts)*0.8)))[0] counts[ix] = np.nan # calc new interpolated calibration coefficients sens_new, zero_new = interpolate_cal_coefficients(utc_time, sens, zero) # recalculate the CO concentration using the interpolated calibration # coefficients zero_new and sens_new conc_new = (counts-zero_new)/sens_new # use both cal_status flag and pressure in calibration chamber for indexing calibration time periods cal_status_ix = np.where((cal_status == 1) | (calpress > 3.4))[0] # add time buffer to cal_status cal_status_buffer = 8 for i in range(cal_status_buffer*-1, cal_status_buffer+1): cal_status_ix = list(set(list(np.concatenate((np.array(cal_status_ix), np.array(cal_status_ix)+i))))) cal_status_ix = np.array(cal_status_ix) cal_status_ix = cal_status_ix[cal_status_ix < len(cal_status)] cal_status_ix = list(cal_status_ix) cal_status[cal_status_ix] = 1 flag = np.zeros(co_mr.size, dtype=np.int8) # initialize flag array, with all values set to 0 flag[co_mr < -10] = 3 # flag very negative co_mr as 3 flag[cal_status == 1] = 3 # flag data while calibration is running flag[calpress > 3.4] = 3 # flag when calibration gas pressure is increased flag[counts == 0] = 3 co_aero = flagged_data(conc_new, match, flag) # creating a plot which shows the "raw" time series and the one # that uses interpolated calibration coefficients try: create_plot(match, co_mr, conc_new, cal_status, self.dataset) except: pass self.outputs[0].data = co_aero