Source code for ppodd.pod.p_rio_buck

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

from ppodd.core import *

def calc_uncertainty(buck_mirr_temp, buck_pressure, buck_mirr_control):

    n = buck_mirr_temp.size
    buck_unc_c = np.zeros(n)
    buck_unc_r = np.zeros(n)
    buck_unc_t = np.zeros(n)
    buck_unc_i = np.zeros(n)
    buck_unc_b = np.zeros(n)
    buck_unc_k = np.zeros(n)


    for i in range(0, n):
        # Calibration Uncertainty
        Uc = 0.02+5E+27*buck_mirr_temp[i]**(-12.5)
        buck_unc_c[i] = Uc

        # Repeatability
        Ur = 0.01+4E+19*buck_mirr_temp[i]**(-9.0)
        buck_unc_r[i] = Ur

        if buck_mirr_temp[i] > 248.0:
            lag = 8
        else:                # lag = ceil(((2 * (-0.36296)) * Buck_Mirr_T[i]) + 105.21)
            lag = np.ceil(2e+29*buck_mirr_temp[i]**(-11.902))

        if not np.isfinite(lag):
            lag = 8
        lag = int(lag)
        #Bug 2 found
        #if ((i > lag) & (i < (n-lag))):
        #    fwdUt=np.std(buck_mirr_temp[i:i+lag])
        #    backUt=np.std(buck_mirr_temp[i-lag:i])
        #    fwdUt=0
        #    backUt=0
        if lag != np.nan:
            fwdUt = np.nanstd(buck_mirr_temp[i:i+lag])
            backUt = np.nanstd(buck_mirr_temp[i-lag:i])
            fwdUt, backUt = 0, 0

        if (buck_pressure[i] > 0.0):
            Ut = np.max([fwdUt, backUt])
            #3 Bug found
            buck_unc_t[i] = Ut
            buck_unc_temp[i] = Ut
            Ut = 0.0
        # TODO: do you need to change this to buck_mirr_t?
        # Interpolation uncertainty from NPL cal points to applied distribution
        if(buck_mirr_temp[i] > 233.15):
            Ui = 0.025
            Ui = -0.0044*buck_mirr_temp[i]+1.051
        buck_unc_i[i] = Ui

        # Bias uncertainty depending on knowledge of mirror state
        if (buck_mirr_control[i] < 2):
            Ub = 0
            buck_unc_b[i] = 0

        if (buck_mirr_control[i] == 2):
            # dew_frost_diff(c,Buck_mirror_control,Buck_Mirr_T,Buck_Pressure,Ub)
            lnesw = np.log(611.2)+(17.62*(buck_mirr_temp[i]-273.15))/(243.12+buck_mirr_temp[i]-273.15)
            dpi = 273.15+(272.0*(lnesw-np.log(611.2))/(22.46-(lnesw-np.log(611.2))))
            buck_unc_b[i] = dpi-buck_mirr_temp[i]
            Ub = dpi-buck_mirr_temp[i]

        Uc = buck_unc_c[i]
        Ur = buck_unc_r[i]
        Ut = buck_unc_t[i]
        Ui = buck_unc_i[i]
        Ub = buck_unc_b[i]
        # TODO: uk is never been used after definition
        Uk = buck_unc_k[i]


    ix = np.where(buck_mirr_control[i] == 3)[0]
    buck_unc_k[ix] = np.nan

    #Buck_Unc_K[c]=2*sqrt(Buck_Unc_c[c]^2+Buck_Unc_r[c]^2+Buck_Unc_t[c]^2+Buck_Unc_i[c]^2+Buck_Unc_b[c]^2)+10*Buck_Mirror_Control[c] //root sum square. Coverage factor of 2
    return buck_unc_k

def get_buck_mirror_ctl(buck_mirr_temp):
    """Routine that uses temperature change (DT) to devise flagging
for Mirror Temperature measurement based on whether
in control, ice or water layer (or unknown) on the mirror.

    :param buck_mirr_temp: Temperature of the BUCK mirror in Kelvin
    # TODO: There are unused variables
    #c = 0
    #d = buck_mirr_temp.size
    interval = 30
    #culm1 = 0
    #e = 0
    recovery = 0
    #mirrorstate = 0
    mirrormin = 0
    mirrormax = 0
    DTmax = 0
    DTmin = 0
    DT = 0
    timing = 0

    buck_mirror_control = np.zeros(buck_mirr_temp.size,

    for i in range(interval+1, buck_mirr_temp.size-interval-1):
        DT = np.mean(buck_mirr_temp[i:i+interval]- \
        # Calculate acceptable range of Delta Mirror T based on Mirror Temp
        if (buck_mirr_temp[i] < 220.0):
            DTmax = 1.0/(220.0*0.0172438-3.6602)*0.5
            DTmax = 1.0/(buck_mirr_temp[i]*0.0172438-3.6602)*0.5

        if (buck_mirr_temp[i] > 290.0):
            DTmin = 1.0/(290.0*0.041044-12.232)*0.5
            DTmin = 1.0/(buck_mirr_temp[i]*0.041044-12.232)*0.5

        buck_mirror_control[i] = 2

        # Make a first cut at guessing the mirror state -
        #   0=water (above 273K),
        #   1=ice (when the mirror has been cold and then not above zero)
        #   2=not known.
        # these will be used to calculate the uncertainty
        # owing to mirror state.

        if buck_mirr_temp[i] > 273.15:
            buck_mirror_control[i] = 0

        if buck_mirr_temp[i] < 243.15:
            mirrormin = 1
            mirrormax = 1

        if buck_mirr_temp[i] > 273.15:
            timing = 0
            timing += 1

        if buck_mirr_temp[i] > 243.15:
            if mirrormin > 0:
                if buck_mirr_temp[i] < 273.15:
                    mirrormax = 1
                    mirrormin = 0
                    mirrormax = 0

        if mirrormin > 0:
            if mirrormax > 0:
                buck_mirror_control[i] = 1
                buck_mirror_control[i] = 2

        if timing > 600:
            buck_mirror_control[i] = 1

        # If Mirror Delta T outside acceptable range then flag as 3.
        # Start an 80s counter (320 4hz cycles)(recovery) following flag,
        # and only unflag when this has expired

        if DT > DTmax:
            buck_mirror_control[i] = 3
            recovery = 80
            if recovery > 0:
                buck_mirror_control[i] = 3
                recovery -= 1

        if DT < DTmin:
            buck_mirror_control[i] = 3
            recovery = 80
            if recovery > 0:
                buck_mirror_control[i] = 3
                recovery -= 1
    return buck_mirror_control

# TODO: The wat_min50to0_coeff is never used; is this correct?
def get_enhance_coeff(buck_mirror_ctl):
    result = np.zeros((buck_mirror_ctl.size, 8), dtype=np.float32)

    # ice coefficients
    ice_coeff = [-6.0190570E-2,
    # water coefficients 0 to 100 Celsius
    wat_0to100_coeff = [-1.6302041E-1,
    # TODO: wat_min50to0_coeff are never used
    # water coefficients -50 to 0 Celsius
    wat_min50to0_coeff = [-5.5898100E-2,

    result[buck_mirror_ctl < 1,:] = ice_coeff
    result[(buck_mirror_ctl >= 1) & (buck_mirror_ctl != 3),:] = wat_0to100_coeff
    result[buck_mirror_ctl == 3,:] = np.nan
    return result

def get_vp_coeff(buck_mirror_ctl):
    """Result array is filled up with coefficient that apply either
    to liquid (water) or solid (ice) conditions.

    result=np.zeros((rows, 11), dtype=np.float32)
    # ice coefficients - from Murphy and Koop, valid below 273K
    #ice_coeff=[ 0.000000000, -5.8666426E3, 2.232870244E1, 1.39387003E-2, -3.4262402E-5, 2.7040955E-8, 0.0000000000, 6.7063522E-1]
    # TODO: Is this correct that there are plenty of -9999.9 in here
    #       Those coefficients are used in calc_vp
    ice_coeff = [9.550426,
    # water coefficients - these are from Murphy and Koop, valid for liquid water from 123< T <332 K
    #wat_coeff=[ -2.836574400E3, -6.028076559E3, 1.954263612E1, -2.737830188E-2, 1.6261698E-5, 7.0229056E-10, -1.8680009E-13, 2.7150305]
    wat_coeff = [54.842763,
    result[buck_mirror_ctl < 1,:] = wat_coeff
    result[buck_mirror_ctl >= 1,:] = ice_coeff
    result[buck_mirror_ctl > 2,:] = np.nan
    return result

def calc_vp(buck_mirr_temp, buck_mirror_ctl, buck_unc_k=None):
    """Calculate vapour pressure depending on
    likely mirror state (i.e. water above 273.15K, Ice below that)

    # check if buck_unc_k is an array or not
    if not hasattr(buck_unc_k, 'size'):
        n = buck_mirr_temp.size
        buck_unc_k = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float32)

    c = get_vp_coeff(buck_mirror_ctl)
    result = np.exp(c[:,0]+c[:,1]/(buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
                    c[:,2]*np.log(buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
                    c[:,3]*(buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
                    c[:,10]*(np.tanh(c[:,4]*((buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
                    c[:,5])))*(c[:,6]+c[:,7]/(buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
                    c[:,8]*np.log(buck_mirr_temp+buck_unc_k)+ \
    return result

def calc_vmr(vp, enhance, buck_pressure):
    """Calculate volume mixing ratio

    vmr = vp/(buck_pressure*100.0-vp*enhance)*enhance*10.0E5
    vmr[vmr < 0] = np.nan
    return vmr

def calc_enhance_factor(vp_buck, buck_mirror_t, buck_pressure, buck_mirror_ctl):

    # Calculate the enhancement factors and calculate the mixing ratio as ppmV
    result = np.exp((1.0-vp_buck/(buck_pressure*100.0))* \
                    c[:,0]+ \
                    c[:,1]*buck_mirror_t+ \
                    c[:,2]*buck_mirror_t**2+ \
                    c[:,3]*buck_mirror_t**3)+ \
                    ((buck_pressure*100.0)/vp_buck-1.0)* \
                    np.exp(c[:,4]+c[:,5]*buck_mirror_t+c[:,6]* \
    return result

def get_flag(buck_mirr_flag, buck_dewpoint_flag):
    flag = np.zeros(buck_mirr_flag.size,
    flag[buck_mirr_flag == 1] = 2
    flag[buck_dewpoint_flag == 2] = 3
    return flag

def calc_tdew_corrected(buck_mirr_control, vmr_buck,ps_rvsm, enhance):
    """ This function calculates the dewpoint corrected for the difference
    in pressure between outside air and inside the instrument

    # TODO: haven't recalculated the error, this is unlikely to change much so probably isn't worth doing?
    n = vmr_buck.size
    tfrost_corrected = np.zeros(n)
    # rows1=buck_mirr_control.size
    result = np.zeros(n)
    vp_corrected = np.zeros(n)
    vp_corrected = 100*ps_rvsm*vmr_buck/(enhance*10e5+enhance*vmr_buck)

    #using the function given in Murphy and Koop 2005
    tdew_function = lambda tdew : (54.842763- 6763.22/tdew - 4.210*np.log(tdew ) + 0.000367*tdew+ np.tanh(0.0415*(tdew - 218.8))*(53.878- 1331.22/tdew- 9.44523*np.log(tdew) + 0.014025*tdew))-np.log(vp_here)
    tdew_corrected = np.zeros(n)
    vp_here = np.zeros(n)
    # Use the numerical solver to find the roots
    tdew_initial_guess = 300.0

    for i in range(0,n):
        vp_here = vp_corrected[i]
        tdew_corrected[i] = fsolve(tdew_function, tdew_initial_guess)

    #using the function given in Murphy and Koop 2005
    tfrost_corrected = (1.814625*np.log(vp_corrected)+6190.134)/(29.120-np.log(vp_corrected))

    for j in range(0,n):
        if buck_mirr_control[j] < 1:
            result[j] = tdew_corrected[j]
        if buck_mirr_control[j] >= 1:
            result[j] = tfrost_corrected[j]
        if buck_mirr_control[j] > 2:
            result[j] = np.nan
    return result

[docs]class rio_buck_cr2(cal_base): """Routine to process data from the BUCK CR2 Hygrometer. """ def __init__(self,dataset): """AERACK_buck_ppm: raw ppm reading for the buck hygrometer AERACK_buck_mirr_temp: the reading to represent the buck mirror temperature AERACK_buck_dewpoint_flag: the reading to represent the buck mirror flag (0=clean mirror, 1=mirror contaminated, sshould be cleaned soon) AERACK_buck_pressure: the reading to represent the buck pressure transducer """ self.input_names = ['BUCK', 'AERACK_buck_ppm', 'AERACK_buck_mirr_temp', 'AERACK_buck_pressure', 'AERACK_buck_dewpoint_flag', 'AERACK_buck_mirr_cln_flag', 'PS_RVSM'] self.outputs = [parameter('VMR_CR2', units='ppmv', frequency=1, number=783, long_name='Water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2', standard_name='volume_mixing_ratio_of_water_in_air'), parameter('VMR_C_U', units='ppmv', frequency=1, number=784, long_name='Uncertainty estimate for water vapour volume mixing ratio measured by the Buck CR2'), parameter('TDEW_CR2', units='degK', frequency=1, number=785, long_name='Mirror Temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer', standard_name='dew_point_temperature'), parameter('TDEW_C_U', units='degK', frequency=1, number=786, long_name='Uncertainty estimate for Buck CR2 Mirror Temperature'), parameter('TDEWCR2C', units='degK', frequency=1, long_name='Corrected dew point temperature measured by the Buck CR2 Hygrometer', standard_name='dew_point_temperature')] self.version = 1.00 cal_base.__init__(self, dataset) def process(self): match = self.dataset.matchtimes(self.input_names[1:]) ps_rvsm = self.dataset['PS_RVSM'].ismatch(match).get1Hz() buck_mirr_temp = self.dataset['AERACK_buck_mirr_temp'].ismatch(match) buck_mirr_temp += 273.15 #convert to Kelvin buck_mirr_temp[buck_mirr_temp == 273.15] = np.nan buck_mirr_temp[buck_mirr_temp < 0] = np.nan # apply temperature calibration # using coefficients from the flight constants file p = np.poly1d(self.dataset['BUCK'][::-1]) buck_mirr_temp = p(buck_mirr_temp) buck_pressure = self.dataset['AERACK_buck_pressure'].ismatch(match) buck_dewpoint_flag = self.dataset['AERACK_buck_dewpoint_flag'].ismatch(match) buck_mirr_cln_flag = self.dataset['AERACK_buck_mirr_cln_flag'].ismatch(match) buck_mirr_control = get_buck_mirror_ctl(buck_mirr_temp) vp_buck = calc_vp(buck_mirr_temp, buck_mirr_control) buck_unc_k = calc_uncertainty(buck_mirr_temp, buck_pressure, buck_mirr_control) vp_max = calc_vp(buck_mirr_temp, buck_mirr_control, buck_unc_k=buck_unc_k) enhance = calc_enhance_factor(vp_buck, buck_mirr_temp, buck_pressure, buck_mirr_control) vmr_buck = calc_vmr(vp_buck, enhance, buck_pressure) vmr_max = calc_vmr(vp_max, enhance, buck_pressure) vmr_unc = vmr_max-vmr_buck tdew_corrected = calc_tdew_corrected(buck_mirr_control,vmr_buck,ps_rvsm,enhance) flag = get_flag(buck_mirr_cln_flag, buck_dewpoint_flag) flag[~np.isfinite(buck_mirr_temp)] = 3 vmr_buck = flagged_data(vmr_buck, match, flag) vmr_unc = flagged_data(vmr_unc, match, flag) tdew_cr2 = flagged_data(buck_mirr_temp, match, flag) tdew_c_u = flagged_data(buck_unc_k, match, flag) tdewcr2c = flagged_data(tdew_corrected, match, flag) for var in [vmr_buck, vmr_unc, tdew_cr2, tdew_c_u]: var[~np.isfinite(var)] = -9999.0 self.outputs[0].data=vmr_buck self.outputs[1].data=vmr_unc self.outputs[2].data=tdew_cr2 self.outputs[3].data=tdew_c_u self.outputs[4].data=tdewcr2c